CN 41-1243/TG ISSN 1006-852X

Name: Jun Wang
Title: Professor
Affiliate: University of New South Wales (Australia)

Professor Jun Wang received a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering from Dalian University of Technology in 1982 and a PhD in Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering from the University of Melbourne in 1993. He has been a member of the academic staff in the Ocean University of China (1982-1988), the University of Melbourne (1993-1995), Queensland University of Technology (1995-2005) and UNSW (Feb 2005-Dec 2020). He is now an Emeritus Professor of UNSW. He is a fellow and CPEng of the Institution of Engineers Australia and a fellow of the International Society of Nanomanufacturing, and has served as the Chairman of the International Committee for Abrasive Technology (2011-2015), President of the Ausinan Science and Technology Society (2013-2015) and a member of the Mechanical College Board of The Institution of Engineers Australia (2013-2020). He has also been actively engaged in the profession by serving as the Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor for 6 international journals and chairing/co-chairing 25 international conferences between 1999 and 2019.

To December 2020, Professor Wang has had over 500 publications, including more than 360 refereed journal articles, 27 edited books and conference proceedings, a single-authored monograph and four book chapters.

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