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陈帅鹏 何珂桥 康希越 贺跃辉 陈豫章

陈帅鹏, 何珂桥, 康希越, 贺跃辉, 陈豫章. SiC晶片减薄用金属间化合物黏结剂金刚石砂轮制备及性能[J]. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程, 2024, 44(6): 752-760. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0250
引用本文: 陈帅鹏, 何珂桥, 康希越, 贺跃辉, 陈豫章. SiC晶片减薄用金属间化合物黏结剂金刚石砂轮制备及性能[J]. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程, 2024, 44(6): 752-760. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0250
CHEN Shuaipeng, HE Keqiao, KANG Xiyue, HE Yuehui, CHEN Yuzhang. Preparation and properties of intermetallic-bonded diamond grinding wheel for thinning SiC wafer[J]. Diamond & Abrasives Engineering, 2024, 44(6): 752-760. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0250
Citation: CHEN Shuaipeng, HE Keqiao, KANG Xiyue, HE Yuehui, CHEN Yuzhang. Preparation and properties of intermetallic-bonded diamond grinding wheel for thinning SiC wafer[J]. Diamond & Abrasives Engineering, 2024, 44(6): 752-760. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0250


doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0250


  • 中图分类号: TG58; TG74

Preparation and properties of intermetallic-bonded diamond grinding wheel for thinning SiC wafer

  • 摘要: 与Si基材料相比,SiC因其导热性好、击穿电场强度高和禁带宽度大等特性成为芯片制造的理想基底材料。但SiC晶片莫氏硬度高达9.5,磨削困难。实现SiC晶片的减薄加工,降低加工成本,提高SiC晶片的加工质量,成为半导体行业亟待解决的问题。采用Cu3Sn和Cu6Sn5金属间化合物为黏结剂,制备面向SiC晶片粗磨和精磨减薄的金刚石砂轮。结果表明:金刚石砂轮能够适用于SiC晶片的减薄加工,制备的M5/10金刚石粗磨砂轮减薄6英寸(15.24 cm)SiC晶片的磨耗比达1.0∶5.0,SiC晶片表面粗糙度为0.011 µm;制备的M1/2金刚石精磨砂轮减薄同种SiC晶片,其磨耗比为1.0∶0.6,SiC晶片表面粗糙度达2.076 nm,总厚度变化 RTTV< 3.00 µm。金刚石砂轮的减薄效果良好,可满足工业生产需要。


  • 图  1  Cu-Sn相图、晶体结构示意图和晶格参数

    Figure  1.  Phase diagram, schematic diagram of crystal structure and lattice parameters of Cu-Sn

    图  2  2种金刚石砂轮

    Figure  2.  Two kinds of diamond grinding wheels

    图  3  金刚石砂轮磨削过程示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of diamond grinding wheel grinding process

    图  4  造孔剂添加量对金刚石砂轮粗磨齿气孔率的影响

    Figure  4.  Effect of adding amount of pore-forming agent on porosity of rough grinding teeth of diamond grinding wheel

    图  5  造孔剂添加量对金刚石砂轮粗磨齿抗弯强度的影响

    Figure  5.  Effect of adding amount of pore-forming agent on bending strength of rough grinding teeth of diamond grinding wheel

    图  6  粗磨金刚石砂轮C的表面形貌

    Figure  6.  Surface morphology of rough diamond grinding wheel C

    图  7  粗磨减薄后的SiC晶片表面形貌及粗糙度曲线

    Figure  7.  Surface morphology and roughness curve of SiC wafers after rough grinding and thinning

    图  8  造孔剂添加量对金刚石砂轮精磨齿气孔率的影响

    Figure  8.  Effect of adding amount of pore forming agent on porosity of fine grinding teeth of diamond grinding wheel

    图  9  造孔剂添加量对金刚石砂轮精磨齿抗弯强度的影响

    Figure  9.  Effect of adding amount of pore forming agent on bending strength of fine grinding teeth of diamond grinding wheel

    图  10  精磨金刚石砂轮F的表面形貌

    Figure  10.  Surface morphology of fine diamond grinding wheel F

    图  11  精磨后SiC晶片表面质量

    Figure  11.  Surface quality of SiC wafer after fine grinding

    图  12  SiC晶片的RTTV检测结果

    Figure  12.  RTTV detection result of SiC wafer

    表  1  Si和SiC指标参数

    Table  1.   Si and SiC index parameters

    材料 禁带宽度
    E1 / eV
    μ / (cm·S−1)
    击穿场强 E2 /
    热导率 K /
    Si 1.12 1 × 107 0.3 1.5 7.0
    SiC 3.20 2 × 107 3.5 4.0 9.5
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    表  2  Cu3Sn和Cu6Sn5材料的基础性能

    Table  2.   Basic properties of Cu3Sn and Cu6Sn5 materials

    θ / ℃
    ρ / (g·cm−3)
    σ / MPa
    硬度 / HV 冲击韧性
    KIC / (J·cm−2)
    Cu3Sn 450 8.89 206.6 389.0 0.45
    Cu6Sn5 450 8.30 142.0 387.2 0.31
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    表  3  粗磨金刚石砂轮化学组成(质量分数)

    Table  3.   Chemical compositions of rough diamond grinding wheels (mass fraction )

    ω1 / %
    ω2 / %
    ω3 / %
    ω4 / %
    ω5 / %
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    表  4  精磨金刚石砂轮化学组成(质量分数)

    Table  4.   Chemical compositions of fine diamond grinding wheels (mass fraction )

    ω6 / %
    ω7 / %
    ω8 / %
    ω9 / %
    E 30~40 35 25 3~6
    F 30~40 30 30 3~6
    G 30~40 25 35 3~6
    H 30~40 20 40 3~6
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    表  5  金刚石砂轮C粗磨减薄SiC晶片时的批量使用效果

    Table  5.   Batch use effect of diamond grinding wheel C for rough grinding and thinning of SiC wafers

    参数 类型或取值
    粗磨砂轮 C
    砂轮转速 n1 / (r·min−1) 2 000
    进给速率 vw1 / (µm·s−1) 0.5
    磨耗比 R1 1.0∶5.0
    表面粗糙度 Ra1 / µm 0.011
    磨床最大负载值 La1 / % 30~35
    破片率 Rr / % <0.2
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    表  6  精磨金刚石砂轮的使用效果

    Table  6.   Application effects of fine diamond grinding wheels

    砂轮编号造孔剂质量分数 ω8 / %使用效果
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    表  7  金刚石砂轮F精磨SiC晶片的实际效果

    Table  7.   Actual effect of fine grinding SiC wafer with diamond grinding wheel F

    砂轮转速 n2 / (r·min−1)2 000
    进给速率 vw2 / (µm·s−1)0.3
    磨耗比 R21.0∶0.6
    表面粗糙度 Ra2 / nm2.076
    磨床最大负载值 La2 / %35~40
    RTTV / µm2.55
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