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Challenges of future high-precision polishing methods for hard-to-process materials by the fusion of environmental control and plasma technology

DOI K. Toshiro AIDA Hideo OHNISHI Osamu YIN Shaohui REN Yinghui

土肥俊郎, 會田英雄, 大西修, 尹韶辉, 任莹晖. 环境控制与等离子体技术融合对未来高精密抛光难加工材料所构成的挑战[J]. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程, 2022, 42(6): 637-649. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.7001
引用本文: 土肥俊郎, 會田英雄, 大西修, 尹韶辉, 任莹晖. 环境控制与等离子体技术融合对未来高精密抛光难加工材料所构成的挑战[J]. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程, 2022, 42(6): 637-649. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.7001
DOI K. Toshiro, AIDA Hideo, OHNISHI Osamu, YIN Shaohui, REN Yinghui. Challenges of future high-precision polishing methods for hard-to-process materials by the fusion of environmental control and plasma technology[J]. Diamond & Abrasives Engineering, 2022, 42(6): 637-649. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.7001
Citation: DOI K. Toshiro, AIDA Hideo, OHNISHI Osamu, YIN Shaohui, REN Yinghui. Challenges of future high-precision polishing methods for hard-to-process materials by the fusion of environmental control and plasma technology[J]. Diamond & Abrasives Engineering, 2022, 42(6): 637-649. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.7001

Challenges of future high-precision polishing methods for hard-to-process materials by the fusion of environmental control and plasma technology

doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.7001
  • 摘要: 以碳化硅、氮化镓和金刚石为代表的宽禁带半导体材料是典型的难加工材料。本研究中,设计2种基于化学机械抛光(CMP)的加工设备,以开发高效高质量加工此类晶体衬底的新技术,并研究讨论使用新设备时的加工机理和难加工衬底的加工特征。加工设备的原型机分别为封闭箱式(closed chamber-type)环境控制CMP设备和等离子体熔融(plasma fusion)CMP设备。在前者中引入光催化反应,并在高压氧气环境下增加紫外辐射,试图提高加工效率。在后者中预期实现常压等离子体化学蒸发加工(P-CVM)和CMP各自优势的协同效应,尤其适合高硬度、极稳定的金刚石衬底。在验证设备加工机理的过程中,随加工过程进行,在极限表面(extreme surface)上形成了如水合物膜或氧化物膜的反应产物。因此,引入紫外辐射的箱式CMP设备在高压氧气环境下效率极高;而对等离子熔融CMP设备,在氧气氛围下,同时开展P-CVM和CMP时可实现对金刚石晶片的高效加工。通过对加工机理进行研究,提出由伪自由基场(pseudo radical filed)/反应产物形成和新表面接触磁流变抛光这两步构成的“循环处理方法”,可实现对难加工材料的高效率加工。


  • Figure  1.  Comparison of processing time of each substrate (SiC, GaN, and diamond), assuming that processing conditions of Si were applied

    Figure  2.  Relationship between removal rate and processing pressure in colloidal silica polishing / CMP for various materials

    Figure  3.  Example of processing characteristics of GaN substrate

    Figure  4.  Relationship between removal rate and pH value of slurry in SiC substrate (Si surface side) by colloidal silica polishing/CMP

    Figure  5.  Annealing effect in colloidal silica/CMP characteristics of GaN substrate (CMP characteristics of GaN (Ga surface side) with colloidal silica after annealed GaN substrate)

    Figure  6.  Comparison of removal rate of single crystal GaN and Ga2O3 substrate with colloidal silica polishing/CMP

    Figure  7.  Comparison of removal rate of SiC substrate with and without plasma irradiation

    SiC substrate: Si surface side, Slurry: colloidal silica/pH 2.2

    Figure  8.  Proposal of chamber-type controlled atmosphere CMP method and machine–Concept of atmosphere-controlled CMP

    Figure  9.  Photograph of prototype chamber-type CMP apparatus and internal structure diagram

    Figure  10.  Rate of increase in GaN substrate (Ga surface side) removal rate

    Pressure inside chamber: 500 kPa with oxygen gas

    Figure  11.  Example of CMP of SiC substrate (Si surface side) under atmosphere of high-pressure air and oxygen gas (pressure inside chamber: 500 kPa)

    Figure  12.  Concept and structural schematic diagram showing the processing principle of plasma fusion CMP system (top right photo: plasma fusion CMP system)

    Figure  13.  Plasma fusion CMP characteristics of various substrates (removal rate of GaN, SiC and diamond for CMP, P-CVM, and plasma fusion CMP)

    Figure  14.  Relationship between surface roughness (Ra) reduction ratio and processing methods (CMP only, P-CVM only and plasma fusion CMP) after each substrate of GaN, SiC and diamond for 1 h

    Figure  15.  Relationship between processing rate and supplied power/reactive gases (O2, SF6) in P-CVM of diamond

    Figure  16.  Ultra-precision machining process for high-efficiency machining of next generation hard and brittle materials (Eample of proposal for future work based on the mechanism in this research)

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