The traditional optimizing methods of brazing temperature for CBN grinding wheels were adopting one of a discrete temperature sequence. In order to acquire the exact optimal temperature during brazing of CBN wheels, a newly optimizing method of induction brazing temperature was proposed. A mathematical evaluation model, which took brazing temperature as independent variable, was established to evaluate the grinding performance. The sharpness of grains and service life of the wheel were both taken into account in this mathematical model. Grinding tests of TC4 titanium were carried out with a group of induction brazed CBN wheels. The temperature evaluation function of brazed CBN wheel was obtained based on the cubic spline interpolation of the experimental data. The optimal brazing temperature for CBN grinding wheels was 936.5 ℃ according to the evaluation function. Experimental results of the evaluation function showed about 3.4% larger than that of theoretical value. It was implied that the brazing temperature evaluation model and the optimizing method were both reliable.